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The idea that the balance on the merged leaderboards was strongly in favor of the turbo function was introduced after the Community Management team received repeated, insistent feedback from current and former runners who do not use a turbo function on their controller.
The decision to disallow turbo missile weaving was based on over two months of internal discussion among the members of the Community Management team, at that time composed of 16 people. No public conversation or vote was held due to the sensitive nature of the turbo issue and its tendency to become a highly political topic.
Eventually, the internal conversation naturally moved toward considering two options: further restricting the turbo function, or splitting the boards between turbo and non-turbo. A vote was held to decide which option the team should put their energy into; this vote ended up being a tie vote. Because of this, both options were discussed thoroughly. After the discussions concluded, a revote was held. Further restricting the merged board with a turbo missile weaving ban won the vote over splitting the boards between turbo and non-turbo.
Verified turbo runs are occasionally audited to ensure there are no violations of the leaderboard cap or the trick restrictions. This usually occurs every six months, but can occur either more or less frequently due to the auditor's schedule and whether or not the rules are actively being discussed. Below are the results of these audits.
Audit period: 2023-06-16 - 2024-05-31
Completed on: TBD
Results of audit TBD