This page is an overview of the route for Any% NMG that gets space jump early. This route can achieve times under 1:15 and has the few strictly required tricks. As such, it is the recommended route for runners new to the game who want to run Any% NMG.
Artaria 1 (various possible configurations)
Cataris 1
Dairon 1
Cataris 2
Artaria 2
Cataris 3
Dairon 2
Artaria 3
Dairon 3
Burenia 1
Dairon 4
Ferenia 1
Dairon 5
Train to Burenia
Burenia 2
Ghavoran 1
Elun 1
Ghavoran 2
Ferenia 2
Dairon 6
Artaria 4
Cataris 4
Ghavoran 3
Burenia 3
Ghavoran 4
Hanubia 1
Ferenia 3
Hanubia 2
Itorash 1