This guide is in a draft state and may not be complete.
The aim of Any% No Major Glitches (NMG) is complete the game as fast as possible without using any major glitches, as specified here.
Any% NMG has two highly divergent routes.
If you need assistance with this, or any other Metroid Dread Speedrunning guide, please join the Discord and post in the #help channel.
¶ Main Route (SASB)
This MessWill NeedMany Tabs(place instructions, videos, etc here)
(place instructions, videos, etc here)
(place instructions, videos, etc here)
- Run left, shooting out the hidden wall blocks. Once you've removed the four, aim down while continuing left to shrink Samus's collision just enough to avoid the Sclawk in the ceiling without stopping. Begin charging your beam.
- Pivot-respin around the end of the platform, then spin-fall right down between the spider magnet walls with your stick neutral.
- As Samus lands, release the charge to kill the Ply. Begin charging your beam again, and pivot-respin left off of the platform.
- Run left to the end of the platform, and pivot-respin right, pseudo-screwing the autclast.
- Run right to the edge, then spin-fall weave left, right then left.
- Running melee left off of the edge, through the Ply. Jump up the two ledges to the door, head through it, and talk to ADAM.
- Head left out of the ADAM room, shooting out the Ply. pivot-respin right, land, and shoot out the next Ply.
- Pivot-respin right around the next ledge, missile the Shelmit, and slide off of the ledge towards the thermal door.
- Running melee through the door as it opens. Spin jump up to grab the ledge above you as you enter, quick hop up, and shoot out the door as you run through it. You will get hit by the Shelmit onto the magma switch pad.
- Head out the door you came in by, sliding off of the ledge and shooting the hidden block out as you do so. Slide through the gap, charging your beam.
- Either wiggle or wall-jump to grab the ledge above, then quick-hop up. Shoot out the blob. Quick-hop up to the next ledge while quick-charging the Ply. Jump up and run through the door to the left.
- Slide down the next two ledge, and fall straight down, through the now-open thermal trapdoor, and run left.
- In the next room, do the 5upaboost to skip an elevator cycle, then continue moving right.
- Missile the Ply, then quick-hop up to the next level and start running left, charging your beam as you do so. Before Samus reaching the 1-block ledge, release the charged shot to kill the Infester.
- Spin-jump onto the bottom vertical section of the magnet wall. Spin-jump right to max-height, then hold left to grab the next vertical section. Then, jump off to the right and shoot the Ply. If you fumble, wait on the magnet a little and pseudo-screw the Ply instead.
- Take the magnet rail up, shooting out the two Ply as you go. When the magnet first intersects the last yellow line, spin-fall right, catch the ledge, and quick-hop up.
- Quick-hop up to the final level, and run left.
Hell Run (Faster)Go Under (Easier)
- As you are aproaching the top door, make sure to hold an angle roughly towards 10 to 10:30 so you're able to shoot the wall blob as you're aproaching it, reducing damage taken.
- Once you're in the 2nd room, drop down (still holding left) without doing any special inputs, and as you land, dash melee to the left to kill the Ply as you go, then quickly climb up the next ledge.
- Slide off the middle ledge, then climb the right Magnet Wall first then jump to the lower ledge, this way you won't have to aim anywhere to shoot the blob and can just mash to destroy it.
- As soon as you destroy it, shoot a bit more so you open the door and go through.
- Wall Jump off the left wall to then grab the ledge into the EMMI zone.
If you did everything optimally you should be able to go through the hell run without losing any Energy Tanks.
- As you run along the top of the 5upaboost room, shoot out the blob on the far left and slide through the gap made. In the next room immediately jump after landing, then slide again.
- Keep moving left, shooting out the blocks in your way. Begin Quick-hopping up the vertical room.
- As soon as you're past the two lava-spewing Vulkrans, start charging your beam. Samus should pseudo-screw the enemy that comes out of the wall as you wall jump up on the right side. Wall jump again to reach the top, then running melee into the EMMI zone.
- After the cutscene, quick-hop up the first ledge and jump up the second, moving right.
- As you enter the next room, locate the EMMI using the minimap. Your goal is the door on the upper right.
- If the EMMI is to the lower right, just run straight past it.
- If the EMMI is on the ceiling just in front of the door, aim down and run right under it.
- If the EMMI is in the tunnel moving into the next room, pass through the door and make sure you fall down the right side of the next room.
- If the EMMI is just on the other side of the door, either bait it and wait (easier), or jump over it just after running through the door(faster).
- Once at the bottom of the next room, move up and right to just below the magma trapdoor, then begin charging your beam.
- Head up and left. Release the charge shot at the door just before cyote jumping across the gap.
- Quick-hop each ledge to climb the next room, head right out of the EMMI zone, and activate the magma switch.
- Head left back the way you came, pivot-respinning then weaving falling down the room you just climbed as quickly as possible.
- As you move right through the door, take note of where the EMMI is.
- If the EMMI is visible as you fall, coyote jump and take the high road to the newly opened trapdoor.
- If the EMMI is not visible after the fall, it's in the next room. In this case, go low, triggering the EMMI's detection animation. This will give you enough time to make it through the trapdoor.
Hell Pseudo (Faster)Going Over (Easier)Once you exit the EMMI zone, enter the hot room and Pseudo Wave the Red Button through here in the sloped part of the ceiling. You can either pre-aim your angle before going through the door to have a better chance of getting it, or you can choose to get it on the fly, though it is very difficult.
- Once you exit the EMMI zone, head through the top door and continue right, jumping over the autclast and heading into the next room.
- Slide-cloak through the door, and begin immediately charging your beam. Either:
- Pseudo-wave the red button through the barrier, or
- Slide under the barrier, then release your charge and immediately slide back under it before the cutscene.
- Head back to the room with the now activated magnet elevator. Kill all the enemies while you wait for the magnet to come down.
- Start charging your beam as the magnet elevator take you up. Walljump off the elevator early and start running left.
- Jump under the Ply to the upper-left door, but just before jumping shoot your charge beam at the lower door, opening it.
- Head through the upper left door until you reach a Magma Switch. Aim up as you stand on the activation platform; this will ensure the trapdoor above opens now.
- Go back the way you came, slide-cloak through the door, and pivot-respin off the edge and spin to the left to avoid the Ply. Head left through the open charge door.
- Pivot-respin twice to descend the next room and head left into the EMMI zone.
ADAM Skip (Faster, recommended)Round the Long Way (Very slow)
- As you enter the EMMI zone, immediately jump, fall through the now-open trapdoor, and head left out of the EMMI zone again.
- Perform ADAM Skip.
- On the other side, begin charging your beam. At the vertical opening, wall-jump off of the right , left, then right wall, pseudo-screwing the Ply. Slope jump as you land and grab the magnet above, then head left back into the EMMI zone.
It is very recommended to learn Adam Save Skip over choosing this route as it can lose up to a minute, and the benefits are far more superior than just avoiding taking a long way here.
- As you enter the EMMI Zone, immediately jump, fall through the now-open trapdoor, and keep descending to the bottom of the room. Head left through the door.
- Proceed forward to EMMI Zone Exit West.
- Go up the Long Mouth Statue Room into Red Teleportal Room.
- Climb Up the room with the Ceiling and Wall Magnets.
- Enter Network Station Northwest and talk to Adam.
- Proceed to the EMMI Zone Entrance West and avoid the EMMI
- Exit the EMMI Zone and the Map Station, head to the top-left door, pseudo-screwing the Ply. Re-enter the EMMI Zone.
- In the vertical room, quick-hop twice so that Samus is in the centre with space above her. Wall-jump off of the left wall, grab the ledge above, then quick-hop twice and move right out of the EMMI zone.
- Run right, shooting the two Ply, then slide in and out of the firebox. Begin charging your beam.
- The moment you enter the next room, release your shot at the first Ply. Pseudo-screw the other as you pivot-respin to the left. Once landed run left, through the fire and the flames, and begin charging your beam. Either:
- Pseudo-wave the red button while standing in the fire, or
- Slide under the barrier, and release your charge while aiming up at an angle.
- Head right, back the way you came. Wall jump off of the right wall and quick-hop up, then head left back through the firebox and into the EMMI zone.
- Running melee off of the edge, respin 'til you touch the left wall, then tap right so you avoid the next platform. You should be standing on a ledge with the EMMI at the bottom of a pit in front of the exit.
- At the very edge, running meele then respin over the EMMI and immediately exit the EMMI zone, or
- Full-height jump over the EMMI and immediately exit the EMMI zone. This is slightly slower.
- Head right to the dual-magnet tower. Shoot the Ply above, then wall jump on the tower, the left hand wall, off of the magnet as it moves down, off of the tower again, and grab onto the top magnet on the left side. Missile the enemy <TODO: find name> and head down and right into the EMMI zone. <Break into own trick page?>
- Just as soon as you enter the EMMI zone, wall/magnet jump to the top of the room, and continue moving right, out of the EMMI zone.
- Pass through the save room. In the next room, full-height jump around the first ledge. THen, wall-jump off of the wall segment to the right, then full-height magnet wall jump up the wall. Shoot up twice, removing the blocks. Use the quick-hop up to the ledge above to fast-charge a beam to open the door, then enter it.
- Running melee off of the ledge, slide under the barrier, then wall jump off the left magnet wall and pull the magnet block down.
- Fall off of the magnet block, slide back under the barrier, and head right through the door.
- Run to the far end of the nook, and shoot straight down twice, spin-fall right, and move through the door. In the next room, begin charging your beam, jump onto the right ledge, then Pseudo-screw the Ply as you jump to the top-left ledge. Quick-hop up and move through the door.
- Quick-hop up the next ledge, then full-height jump onto the ledge after to collect the E-tank.
- Jump right to the next ledge, then quick-hop up on the left side of the trapdoor. Continue left and activate the thermal switch.
- Run left through the thermal door, then quick-hop up at the wide-beam block, and again to the right immediately after. During the next quick-hop, fast-charge and shoot the Ply in mid-air. Quick hop to the right again, then full-height jump around the final ledge and start running left.
- Shoot out the enemy on the ground, then fall down into the pit. Quick-hop up, the other side and shoot the second crawler, holding left all the while. The Enemy chasing after you should boop Samus just over the ledge so that you can run right.
- Pivot-respin to avoid the last Ply completely, move through the left door, and take the train to Dairon.
- Head left off the train platform towards the door. Jump as you exit the door onto the magnet above, and jump up to the top ledge, moving left. Shoot through the floor and fall down to the bottom-left door.
- Move left through the save room and then head down: slide off of the door's ledge, spin fall off the edge to the left, then run-melee as you head right again. Jump over the buzzsaw, then shoot two missiles into the < enemy name >, and head left to the next room.
- Jump onto the ledge in the next room, then run left along the bottom, jump up and slide through the door.
- The moment you enter the next room, jump using the coyote time the slide gave you, then head left through the door.
- Head up and over through the room. Moving at maximum speed will let you ignore the first enemy. The second enemy, at the top of the room, can be killed with two missiles. Shoot out the floor, slide into the next room, and power the generator.
- Head back through the same room to the newly powered missile door. Get past the enemy up top by melee-countering it then sliding underneath. Head through the door and collect the wide beam.
- Shoot out the floor and head through the door.
- Coyote jump right off of the ledge to avoid falling to the very bottom. Shoot a charge beam, slide and missile twice to kill the < auturret? >, then mash the other enemy to death.
- Charge a beam as you spin-jump to the wide beam block, then open it.
- Head up to the top of the room, kill the < flying enemy >, then jump left and enter the the EMMI zone.
- Shoot out the walls in the EMMI zone as you head left. Jump up to the floor above, and immediately skip the cutscene.
- Run right as you charge a beam. Release your beam just before short-hopping up the ledge, opening the door early, and head through it.
- Continue right, jumping through the shutter but over the pressure plate, and charge your beam.
- Release a fully charged shot at the wide beam block as you exit the EMMI zone, then melee over the gap and continue right.
- Jump up to the wide beam block in the next room, shoot it out, then continue to the train back to Cataris.
- Run right from the train room, shoot out and slide through the corner block. Start charging a beam as you continue down, and use it to shoot the wide beam block. Head left into the EMMI zone.
- Running melee off of the ledge (and through the < enemy >). Open the wide beam door on the left, move through it, jumping immediately as you do. Jump off this ledge onto the magnet wall.
- Start charging your beam as you jump up the magnet wall. Once you reach the top, run left, release your charge, and keep shooting in order to explode the blob. Running melee off of the ledge and move into the CU room.
- Defeat the CU. Unload as many missiles as possible before the Rinka forces you to move left, then spam beam (+weave with turbo) to finish it off. Jumping is an easy way to dodge.
- Kill the Green EMMI.
- Move to the bottom left of the room and hole-in-one into the morph ball tunnel. Continue left until you fall out of the tunnel.
- Avoid the missile tank and head left out of the EMMI zone.
- Continue down through the < shuttlebug? > tunnels. Then slide-morph-jump into the statue's mouth and move through the tunnel.
- Break the blocks into the cavity. Break the block hiding the morph tunnel, then slide through it.
- Start charging your beam the moment you unmorph, then stationary jump up into the next bug tunnels, releasing the charge rightwards to kill the bugs just spawning in.
- If you're on rookie, head straight up to the red TP. Otherwise, collect the missile+ tank before doing the same.
- Head down from the TP, then move left towards the door, staying in morph to pass under the first Sunnap. Ensure you avoid sliding in this room if you are attempting item tutorial skip.
- Run through the save room. As you enter the next room, immediately jump-morph into the tunnel.
- Jump to avoid the energy part, then shoot out the Kreep and head into the top-right morph tunnel.
- Unmorph immediately, and spam beams to shoot out the two destructible blocks. Slide-morph-jump over the first divit, and jump over the second. In the next room, head up and through the next morph tunnel.
- Start climbing the next room, charging your beam as you do so. Once you reach the top, we want to both get through the morph ball tunnel and open the door beyond.
Everything at Once (Fastest)Shoot Through (Fast)Jump-Morph (Easier)
- Spin jump towards the tunnel, aim at the door through the tunnel, then morph. This will automatically release the charged shot.
- Manually unmorph after the tunnel and move through the door.
- Shoot the door through the tunnel as you jump up and grab the tunnel ledge.
- Slow mantle into the tunnel and run through the door.
- Jump-morph into the tunnel. Manually unmorph after.
- Fast charge the door and run through it.
- Charge another beam as you run right. Release it at the far door just before you jump up and activate the magma switch.
- Ignore the explosions. Begin climbing the room.
- Once you round the first corner curving from right to left, shoot out the block covering the tunnel and jump-morph into it.
- Slide through the next two tunnels. Jump up the magnet wall, shoot out the blocks, and pass through the tunnel.
- As you head right, shoot out the blocks rather than sliding under. As you round the next corner, again shoot out the blocks in the tunnel and jump-morph into it.
- Slide into the next room. Climb up, shoot out the ceiling, open and pass through the missile door.
- As you run right, charge your beam. Release it at the door.
- Jump-morph into the tunnel, destroy the Item Sphere and collect the Varia Suit.
- Head right and slide through the tunnel towards the door we just unlocked. Shoot it out while sliding, and head into the room on the right.
- Shoot out the floor on the far right of the room, then begin charging your beam. As you start sliding left under the lower Autclast, release your shot at the door, then head through it.
- Move down and left in the next room. As you slide into the pit, morph.
- At the bottom, move left through the tunnel, then immediately hole-in-one into the right tunnel.
- Continue heading right, run-meleeing off of the next fall to skip one platform. Continue down through the door you unlocked earlier.
- Charge a beam as you head through the door. Shoot both the leftmost Ply and the charge beam door with it.
- Head through the door, morph then spin-fall down the pit, and take the red TP.
- Slide-morph left the moment you spawn in. With correct timing, you will max-speed fall down the tunnel. Once you land, head through the right door.
- Slide into the tunnel and shoot out the blocks before you auto-morph. Then shoot out the floor and move through the left door.
- Shoot out all three blocks, jump over the lava, fall down and move right through the tunnel. At the end head left, sliding into the enemies < name > to reduce the knockback from the contact damage.
- Continue left, then down. As you spin-jump over the second lava pool in the next room, fast charge and release a shot to kill the < ground slug enemy >.
- Face-tank the < enemy name >s, shooting out first the block then the blob while you move right. Jump-morph through both holes.
- In the next room, shoot out the blob as you run towards it, then jump-morph through the hole. Deal with the eye door and move left.
- Shoot out the final blob, slide through the tunnel, and defeat Kraid.
- After the fight, jump onto the spike, jump once up the right magnet, then wall jump off of the left wall and mid-air morph into the tunnel. Once you exit the tunnel, head through the missile door and collect the diffusion beam.
- Spin jump fast-charge the blob in the diffusion beam room. Go through the tunnel.
- Spin fast-charge twice to destroy the blob aove, then slide-jump-morph into the tunnel.
- Head right and take the purple TP.
- Run left and start charging your beam immediately. Then spin fast-charge, aim down midair, and shoot the blob.
- Fall down, slide-morph-jump into the tunnel, and shoot out the wide beam door. Jump-morph through the first two tunnels in the next room, then head left - spin fast-charge the door open.
- Continue left through the next room and the ADAM room. Jump-morph soon after leaving the ADAM room, jump again over the enemy, then wall jump-morph through the tunnel and head into the EMMI zone.
- Short-hop up the first ledge. Shoot out the blocks then begin climbing up to the magnet wall.
- Both at the start of the climb and near the top, locate the EMMI, then:
- If the EMMI is near the bottom of the climb, jump off of the magnet wall, run left to the opening, then jump up.
- If the EMMI is just above the magnet, you have two options:
- Dupe it (Fastest)
- If you've made it up the climb near-optimally, the EMMI should still be above the magnet ceiling. As you run left past its faceplate, slide-cloak.
- Uncloak as far left as you can while still being able to jump without bonking.
- Spin jump right over the EMMI as it climbs down. It'll detect you, so you must get the upcoming single wall jump first try. Head right and up.
- On the magnet, before it detects you (slow down if needed), cloak and start climbing along the ceiling. Remain cloaked until it's moved past.
- Move left and jump through the gap in the ceiling, heading right and up.
- In the next room, perform a Single Wall Jump to move vertically up.
- Head up, right, up and left, until you're at the top of the room above the power bomb tank. Running melee off of the ledge and exit the EMMI zone.
- Move left until near the end of the room. Slide-morph to hole-in-one into the tunnel. Manually unmorph and continue left.
- Immediately jump up , mantling into the morph gap. Continue climbing the room, charging a beam.
- Release your charge and spam beam/missile to kill the first < enemy >. Fast-charge another beam shot as you jump up to the next ledge, and deal with the second enemy. Move left through the door.
- Pass through the map room, and in the room after running melee off of the ledge.
- At the bottom of the room, head right, slide-jump onto the magnet, and climb it to the ledge above. Jump up via the ledge on the left and move through the door on the right.
- Jump up to the power platform, take aim, and start mashing beam at the blob on the wall. You should ideally destroy the block before the cutscene plays.
- Slide-morph off of the ledge, and move through the hole you opened by destroying the blob.
- Manually unmorph and move through the enemies in the same way as before.
- At the top of the room, jump-morph into the tunnel. Make sure you hold jump to max height.
- Open the missile door, head through and collect bombs.
- Bomb out the floor, making sure you're unmorphed as they explode. Bomb out the next bock, slide in to bomb out the second, then slide-morph through the tunnel into the morph ball launcher. Bomb and get launched.
- After exiting the launcher, running melee left immediately upon touching the ground. Respin and fall to the bottom -left of the room, and head through the left door.
- Slide almost immediately off of the ledge as you enter the room. Slide-morph-jump into the launcher and take it into the next room.
- Run left through the Z-57 corpse room. In the room after, spin fall down, morphing as you hit the floor. Jump into the launcher and take it to the next room.
- In this room, avoid sliding to continue the item tutorial skip. Take the bottom-right launcher.
- Enter the EMMI zone, and wind down through the room until you reach the bottom-left door.
- In the next room, Slide under the platform, fall down, and continue left. Slide through the next tunnel, then jump up to the top-left door and exit the EMMI zone.
- Coyote jump over the pool of water in the next room, then melee off of the edge. Slide-morph through the tunnel, staying morphed as you pass under the < enemy >.
- Slide-fall off of the next edge and hole-in-one into the morph ball tunnel just above the water. Move left to the door, and take the train to Burenia.
- Head left from the train and through the door. Slide-morph off of the edge, and when you near the bottom, start laying bombs. Do this high enough and the < enemy > will eat a bomb instead of Samus. Head left through the tunnel, unmorph, shoot out and fall through the floor. Then run left and off the platform, morphoing and heading right as you enter the water.
- Morph-jump right through the water. Follow the path down, unmorph and missile the < enemy >, and slide-morph over the pit to continue left.
- Unmorph, and as you head left missile the enemy. Jump-morph and let the enemy above carry you up. Bomb at the right time to kill it, then unmorph and move left.
- Missile the two enemies before entering the first morph tunnel up. When entering this tunnel, spin jump off of the ledge and mid-air morph to avoid mantling.
- Jump-morph into the next tunnel. If you missed the enemy from below, bomb it now. Jump-morph into the final tunnel.
- Once out of the water, head left through the door. Slide-cloak just after entering the next room to avoid aggroing the < enemy >, then run left (aiming down to avoid colliding with the Nailong), jump up to the ledge, and jump-morph into the tunnel. Once you exit the other end, jump up and run left all the way to the door.
- If you didn't perform ADAM skip, pay the price. Otherwise, run straight through.
- Continue left, running melee the < enemy >, and morph-fall down to just left of the water at the bottom of the room.
- Slide under the enemy and coyote jump to the other side of the water, ideally without grabbing the ledge. Head thrugh the door.
- In the next room, running melee off of the ledge just before the water. Respin to avoid the underwater ledge, and start jumping through the water.
- Jump-morph into the tunnel. Stay in morph for the first fall, then unmorph and slide until you Once out of the tunnel, running melee off the ledge to minimise the time Samus is in the water. Jump through the water and onto the platform in the middle, then running melee over the next pool. Mantle into the morph tunnel.
- Fall after you exit the tunnel, begin jumping right through the water, and charge your beam. Kill the higher nailong, spin-fall left and mash out the leftmost one. As you fall down the next bend to the right, charge and release a shot at the sharpmaw, then coyote jump over to the shutter.
- Execute Backdoor Flash.
- Jump up to the shutter you entered through and flash shift over the pressure plate. In the next room, jump and flash shift left twice, then climb up and around the corner.
- Flash shift right 3 times quickly, then max-height wall jump off of the right wall and flash shift twice over the shutter into the next room.
- Morph-fall down to the bottom of the room, morph under the fish, then unmorph and jump through the water to the right, then up and to the right door.
- Flash twice through the door, then morph-fall into the water. Head down then right through then morph tunnel until you enter the main chamber.
Pseudo-Waves (Fastest)Round Trip with WBJ (Easier)
- Mash out all three fish as you head to the bottom of the room.
- Crouch just before the left morph tunnel, and aim slightly up. Shoot out the blob with two charged shots to half-lower the water level, then morph and move right.
- Bomb out the block on the far right, storing the WBJ state as you do so. Then do two crouched turnaround fast charges to destroy the second blob.
- Head back up to just right of the first morph tunnel. The lowering water level will bring a platform down to your above-right.
- Do a diagonal WBJ to reach the platform to the top-right.
- Spin fast charge the blob, shoot the door, and triple flash shift right. Take the train to Dairon.
- Move right, flash-shifting 3 times before moving into the next room. Flash twice more and morph, and move through the underwater tunnels while ball-jumping. Unmorph, exit the water, slide under the < enemy >, and flash twice as you head into the EMMI zone.
- Spin-fall right and jump left along the floor until you reach the right side of the central platform. At this point the EMMI should be to the left of the centre platform. Jump up the magnet surface and move up and left, flashing through the shutter and spin fast-charging a beam shot to open the door left.
- In the next room, jump up onto the first ledge, then jump-morph into the tunnel on your upper-right. Unmorph, jump and flash left, then slide through the tunnel. Jump and flash three times right, mantle into the next upper-right tunnel, then flash right three times. Flash single wall climb up and mantle through the final tunnel, then flash into the CU room.
- Defeat the CU. Spam missiles, moving right slightly as needed to dodge the rinkas, until the shell is destroyed. Then spam beam (+weave with turbo), meleeing through the rinka when you need to reposition.
- Kill the Yellow EMMI.
- Once you regain control of Samus, move left until her head is in line with the ledge. Then engage speed booster and run right.
- Speed through the blocks into the next room, jump over the gap, and continue speeding out of the EMMI zone.
- Still speeding, jump onto the ledge to the right, then wall jump onto the ledge after that, now heading left. Slide through the speed boost block into the next room.
- Still speeding, do three wall jumps to climb the room, then store on the top ledge. Mantle into the morph tunnel above, bomb out the blocks, then wall jump off of the left wall and, at the peak of your jump, instaspark right into the EMMI zone.
- If your store runs out or you miss the spark, start charging speed here. Continue right and store at the far end of the room. Morph and spark straight up.
- Once Samus unsticks from the roof, unmorph and spinfall left to collect the energy tank.
- Wall-jump up to the top right door and move through it, flashing twice. flash-climb the right wall, landing on the higher left ledge.
- Jump up and flash right on the next ledge, then jump up another ledge and begin charging speed. Speed through the blocks into the next room.
- Jump over thr pit, still speeding, and move into the next room, jump up two ledge so that Samus is running on the 1-tile thick platform. As she passes the vertical pipe, max-height jump, still speeding. You should just clip the corner of the speed blocks, land, and exit the EMMI zone.
- Shoot, slide, and morph off of the edge so that you keep your speed into the save room. Unmorph before the pad, shoot out the door, and continue right.
- In the next room, store-spark straight up on the raised section of floor. Flash left over the missle tank, spinfall down, and take the yellow TP to Artaria.
- Shoot out the wide beam door to the left, and flash through it to the next room. Jump up and left to the top of the room, then flash right twice.
- Start charging your speed booster leftwards as you shoot out the enemy. Jump over the gap as your boost breaks, and keep running out of the EMMI zone.
- Store-spark up in the next room. Once at the top shoot the door to the right, and flash through it. Continue flashing through the save room until you reach the next shaft.
- Spin-fall down, shoot out the bottom door, and flash right through it. Missile the enemy the moment your flash finishes, then immediately missile the bottom-right door. Spin-fall down, shoot open the bottom door, and flash through it.
- Jump up onto the ledge, shoot the orb, and jump-flash into grapple beam to collect it.
- Immediately flash left off of the statue, land, and move the grapple block. Flash left, jump up to the grapple door, and open it. Flash through the door, flash again while opening the upper door in the next room, then flash through that.
- Grapple onto the magnet wall above right, land on the left ledge, then run through the door while charging speed booster. Continue through the save room.
- In the next room, store the spark, running melee left over the pit, and down-spark. Head right once you land, charging speed again.
- Slide off of the ledge of the gap in the floor as you reach it, then immediately mid-air morph. Samus should make it to the bottom-right door with minimal bouncing. Flash through the door.
- Spin-fall down to the left, avoiding the next platform, then flash left through the door as you hit the ground. In the next room, slide off of the ledge, shoot out the enemy, then full-height jump and flash left to grab the ledge. Quick-hop and flash through the door.
- As you land, begin charging speed. As you pass through the next door and begin falling, morph while still holding left. You should fall through the gap towards the bottom of the room.
- Run left, then spin-fall right. Slide of the next ledge as you continue down and right. As you're falling, mash out the barnacle, then jump and flash right twice so that you grab the upper right ledge. Quick-hop and flash into the next room.
- Spin-fall down the right side of the next room. Once at the bottom, jump and flash left twice over the enemy and out of the EMMI zone.
- Respin into the water as you leave the EMMI zone. Jump under water once, then underwater quick-hop out of the pool. Slide off of the ledge, then as you land triple-flash left.
- In the next room, shoot out the door then land just in front of the Klepta. Jump and flash left three more times, into the cold area.
- Respin and fall right. Shoot the door and flash left twice, shoot out the missile block, then shart charging speed, shooting out the goomba to give yourself enough space.
- Store-spark up so that you can fall onto the upper-left ledge. Shoot out the door, and flash into the second cold area.
- Flash left three times, shooting out and passing through the next door as you do so.
- Quick-hop onto the right ledge, then wall-jump off of the right wall and flash left at the peak of the jump. Spin jump up to the ledge on the left, in front of the door (you may have to wiggle).
- Execute Screw Attack Short Boost. Good luck!
- Jump-morph into the shuttlebug tunnel and roll all the way through it. Wall jump off of the right wall onto the ledge above the water.
- Slide-morph into the hole. If you miss it, mantle in.
- Fall through the crumble block, and at the exit of the tunnel, do a diagonal bomb jump with a mid-air unmorph to get the WBJ state.
- Do a vertical WBJ, unmorph at the peak of the jump, and grab the ledge to the right. Shoot out the orb and collect Screw Attack.
- From the statue's hands, wall jump off of the left wall and grab onto the ledge to the right. From there, wall jump again off of the left wall, this time through the screw attack blocks. Break the spin jump with a leftwards flash shift to avoid the missile tank.
- Land on and flip the flipper just to the left, then morph to quickly fall into the water below. Unmorph and hop leftwards.
- Use a normal bomb jump (not WBJ) just above the surface of the water to get out, then wall jump off of the right wall and grab the left ledge. Quick-hop up, flash left in the air, then spin-fall down the other side, hugging the right wall.
- Before you touch the ground, flash-respin into the water. Morph-boost off of both of the 1-block ledges as you head right.
- Jump-morph into the tunnel, and lay a bomb under the leftmost of the two bomb blocks. Once it goes off, unmorph and jump up to the next ledge. Spin jump out of the water, and flash right twice. Open the grapple door and flash through.
- Pivot-respin off of the ledge to the left, avoiding the middle platform, then wiggle right to reach the bottom of the room.
- Shoot open the door, triple flash right, and move through the next door and out of the cold area.
- Fall off of the ledge to the floor of the room, mashing the flyer as you do so. As you land, start charging speed.
- Shoot the goomba, the missile block, and the door as you run right. Jump through the door into the next room, still boosting.
- Wall jump off of the right wall then the left wall, and hold right as you land up top, still running right. Shoot out the door then jump through it.
- You should land on the Klaida in the next room. Run right a bit more, then jump over the ledge and into the next room.
- Once Samus is on the energy recharge pad, max-height jump right. Wall-jump off of the right wall, then at the peak of your jump flash right to exit the speedkeep. Spin-fall into the water.
- Underwater jump right once, then quick-hop up and enter the EMMI zone.
Speedkeep (Faster, Cooler)Backup Shinespark (Easier)
- Quick-hop out of the water, and flash into the EMMI zone. Mash out the two enemies as you flash again. You should be at the bottom-right of the room.
- Jump and grab the ledge to your left, then ledge-to-ledge up the right-hand side of the room.
- Once Samus is standing at the bottom of the open shaft, wall jump off of the left then right side, and grab the ledge top left. Quick-hop up and flash left three times.
- Mash out the enemy, then just onto the ledge above and run right.
- Quick-hop up the next ledge to the left, then jump up the one after that. Jump rightwards up the next two ledges as the room opens up.
- Perform the backup shinespark.
- Start charging your speed booster as you run right through the tunnel. Once it breaks, do a short jump onto the ledge, then immediately a higher jump through the door.
- Land on the platform, run right for a bit more, then store-spark up. After you've hit the ceiling, flash-shift right twice through the upper door.
- You should have grabbed the ledge in the next room automatically. Quick hop up, then jump onto the upper-left ledge. Shoot out the door and flash through.
- In the next room, jump up and flash right as soon as possible. Try to be as fast and consistent as possible - the flash is barely in the Aeon recharge window.
- Take the yellow TP back to Dairon.
- Walljump off of the left wall to the ledge above the TP.
- Full-height walljump off of the right wall, then off of the vertical section of the left wall. Flash right at the peak of the second jump, respin, and walljump off of the right wall again. Walljump off of the left wall and land on the ledge.
- Jump and flash-shift right over the missile tank.
- Morph to fast-fall down the room, hugging the left-hand side of the opening as you go.
If you did the SonicSpark / Messed the AlternativeIf you did the Alternative
- Start charing speed as you run left, shooting our doors as you go. As you exit the save room, full-height jump onto the next ledge and run into the EMMI zone.
- Cancel the speed boost by free-aiming.
- Ledge-to-ledge from the ledge to your left to the ledge to your right.
- Full-height quick-hop and, just as Samus hits the ceiling, flash right three times. THis should make Samus grab onto the platform in front of the grapple block. Quick-hop up.
- Pull the grapple block, do a short jump to clear the ledge, then flash right.
- Do a high quick-hop up the next ledge, flash left once, then take the elevator to Ferenia.
Shinespark into EMMI Zone (Faster)Grapple into EMMI Zone (Backup)
This route begins the same as the main route:
- Artaria 1
- Cataris 1
- Dairon 1
- Cataris 2 (Morph)
- Artaria 2 (Varia)
- Cataris 3 (diffusion)
At Dairon 2 is where the route diverges.
- Destroy the blob in the floor to your left coming out of the teleporter and jump down.
- Go through the tunnel, open the wide beam door, and go through it.
- Jump up through the tunnel toward the enemy, climb up the shaft to your left after falling down, and slide right out of the horizontal part.
- Shoot the floor to destroy a hidden block and shoot the blob to your right. Open the door and go through it.
In this room you will have to perform two Coyote Jumps to get across the huge lava pool.
- The first one happens right away, you have to slide through the hole and do a coyote jump and immediately press left so you can wall jump off of the wall and crap the tunnel to the right.
- After going through the long part of the tunnel you drop down into a small L section before it dumps you onto a an angled block that will spill you into the lava. Stop here to do the second coyote jump. Jump across and grap the ledge to the right.
If you manage to grab the ledge you are home free. Climb over it, go through the door to the right to an elevator to Artaria
- Go right from the elevator, drop down the zig-zag shaft, farm the slugs on the way if you want, and go through the door to the right at the bottom.
- Kill the enemy in the room (so it won't get in your way on the way back) and drop down to the door at the bottom right.
- Get your Grapple, pull the block and the exit door to get out, and swing across the gap in the next room to get back to the zig-zag shaft.
- Use your grapple to climb the spider magnet pads all the way back up to the elevator you came from at the top left of the room, and go back to Dairon
From here, the route goes back to following the main route until Speed Booster:
- Dairon 2
- Burenia 1
- Dairon 3 (Speed)
Early GrappleGet Grapple nowIf you got Grapple earlier, you can go directly to Quiet Robe now from the elevator in Dairon.
If you did not get early Grapple, you will have to take the Yellow Teleporter to Artaria to get it and then come back to go to Quiet Robe.
The next section of the route takes us to:
- Ferenia 1 (Quiet Robe)
- Dairon 4 (Back to Burenia)
- Burenia 2 (Drogyga skip)
- Ghavoran 1
- Elun
- Ghavoran 2
- Ferenia 2
- Dairon 5 (Yellow TP)
- Artaria 4 (Screw Attack)
- Teleporters to Gravity
- Burenia 3
- Ghavoran 3
- Hanubia 1
- Ferenia 3
- Hanubia 2
- Itorash and ending